Saturday, August 2, 2008


So... Holty got accepted to Law School in Oklahoma. We had a farewell party for him at my house on Thursday night. I love Holt and Lindy, and am really going to miss them so much. I guess it's only three years - right?

Look at my HANDSOME brothers! This is the last photo of them together, before Mace is no longer a single guy, and Holt leaves. Do you believe they used to torture me when I babysat? Well, I tortured them too from what they tell me :)

Holt, Lindy, and my mama. We are going to miss you!!! I feel like I have gotten to know Lindy better over the past little while. I have a great appreciation for her, and am glad Holt close her to be his wife. She is a super addition to the family, and a great friend. I am totally going to miss her too. Love you Lindy!

Sophie and one of her idols... Aunt Angie! Whenever we have a family get-together, Sophie asks if the Aunts are coming. Angie was the first one on the Terburg side, and Sophie sticks to her like glue! If I had the time I probably would too. Love you Angie.

In the pterodactyl costume yet again. Conrad loves this costume. He had to put it on for the farewell party! He wore it to his friend's b-day party. Even though his little face was beet red, and he was so hot, he kept it on, because it was a dinosaur party, and of course it was the perfect time to wear it. He also likes to wear it to the grocery store, among other places, and I let him. I think it is cute, and kinda funny. We get many smiles when we are out in it.

My mama and her parents. It is always fun when grandma and grandpa come to the party!

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