Saturday, March 20, 2010

New Blog for Me!

As you know, I went private with this blog last week. I had a feeling that I needed to, mostly as protection for my children. I got a few strange comments, and didn't feel comfortable with people having such an intimate look at my families life - mostly the kids. Also, I wanted to start listing all my projects separately, as many of them have nothing to do with the kids. I might double list (if something is fun for the kids or a holiday memory), but maybe not. I haven't decided. Santa had our blog bound into a book last year, and it was my most cherished gift. It gave me a renewed commitment to blogging, because that book really is like a journal/scrapbook for our family.

I would love you to visit my new blog. I am going to try to get some traffic, and maybe even make some money off it. We will have to see :)

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